【Deadline: Nov. 16th】Entries for “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” are now open! This year features an entry format where creators submit their own songs.
All songs submitted will be showcased during a 24/7 livestream.

Note: The deadline for entry has been extended to JST:November 16th.
We’re doing it again this year! “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” is planned to broadcast sometime during December.
This time around, we’re using an entry system where arrangers or vocalists send in a single song they’ve poured their heart and soul into creating. We’d love for you to submit whichever song you’ve made this year that you’re most confident in during our entry period.
*This year’s system doesn’t involve recommending other creators’ songs. Instead, we’ll be doing a “user award” vote where listeners can pick which song they thought was the best around the end of November.
Furthermore, when submitting, an unreleased song is acceptable if you intend to release it within the year. Submitting a song from a work you intend to release at Autumn Reitaisai before actually releasing the work there is also acceptable.
We’ll play and showcase as many of the songs we receive as possible on a 24/7 livestream on Touhou Station’s YouTube channel. Submitting your song earlier will result in it being played more times on the livestream, so feel free to make use of the stream as a chance to advertise your music.
What is “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing!”?
The “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing!” as well as the members of Touhou Station will pick their absolute favorite songs in each category and decide either “this song is amazing!” or “this song is really awesome!”.
This year, we’ll be featuring judges with more varied viewpoints, including both members of various types of Touhou-related circles as well as general music creators.
Last year’s “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2022” broadcast
Changes Made Starting from “This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023”
-Change to a self-submission system
Previously, we at Touhou Station/Touhou Garakuta Magazine listened to and nominated as many songs from the chosen release period as possible, but due to both the revitalization of event releases and an increase of digital releases, we’ve anticipated that the information gathering process would become flawed if we keep our old system, so starting from 2023, we’re switching to a new self-entry system where composers/singers submit their own songs.
-Changes to judgment process and organization
We’re changing everything about the judges and the judging system we used last year.
We’re switching to a system where we’ll be relying on both members of non-music focused Touhou circles and members from outside the Touhou community to assist with judging all of the songs submitted to us by Touhou music circles.
We’ll announce our judges at a later date. We also plan on holding an open recruitment for user judges.
-Changes regarding the 24/7 livestream’s air date
Previously, we began the 24/7 livestream where you could listen to all of the nominated songs a few days before the program itself, but it’ll take place over a longer period of time this year. We plan on airing it from around the start of November to the end of December. Please feel free to use the stream as an opportunity to advertise music you’ll be releasing at the upcoming Autumn Reitaisai.
-Other plans
We intend to hold last year’s well-received user awards (a poll where users pick their favorite song) as well as the “One-Week Arrange Contest” once again. We plan on starting both the poll and the contest around the end of November.
“This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” Submission Criteria
Please be aware that further rules may be added at a later date.
-Your song must be a Touhou arrange.
-Your song must have either been released between 10/24/2022 (the day after the previous submission period ended) and 11/14/2023, or be a totally unpublished (at the time of submission) Touhou arrange that you intend to release within the year.
-Songs not available on CDs and only published online or available for digital download are acceptable.
-Remasters, rearranges, and so on of previously-released songs are acceptable under the condition that they were included on a CD released this year.
-Please be aware that any songs that don’t follow the above criteria or are deemed inappropriate by our staff will not be judged.
“This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” Entry Rules
Please be aware that further rules may be added at a later date.
-Starting from 2023, we’ll be using a system where music creators submit their own songs themselves.
>Only songs you composed/sang yourself may be submitted. Sending over the song as a file is required when submitting as well.
>The user vote carried out by our listeners will be held separately.
-Each arranger or vocalist may submit one song.
>One individual may not submit songs under different aliases.
>If we confirm that we’ve received two or more songs from the same individual, all such submissions will be considered invalid.
>Deletions due to impersonations may occur, so in the event we invalidate a submission, we’ll send a confirmation notice to the form of contact we received for you.
-A grouping of multiple people such as a band or a collaborative group will be considered as one collective alias.
>Example: Arranger A submits an entry they created as an individual as “A.” They may still submit an entry as “B,” where B is a band they’re part of.
>Example: “A,” B” (a band A is part of), and “A vs. C” (both of which are arrangers) will all be handled as different aliases.
>Example: “A feat. D” (D is a vocalist), this will be treated as the same alias as A themselves. However, D will be treated as a separate alias when submitting a song as an individual.
-A song submitted by both its arranger and vocalist won’t be considered invalid.
>In the event that a song is received twice in the above manner, only the first instance will be included during the 24/7 livestream. This just means you’ll miss out on the opportunity to have two different songs featured, so please discuss things amongst yourselves before making your submissions to avoid this from happening.
“This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” Required Information
-The submitter’s handle
-Whether you’re an arranger (individual or band) or a vocalist
-Your current place of residence
We will be including a “This Overseas Touhou Arrange is Amazing!” category. If you live in Japan, please select “Japan,” Otherwise, we ask that you provide the name of your country of residence.
-An upload of the song you’re submitting.
We will not be handling changes to your submission data after the fact. Please check your submission over carefully before sending it to us.
Please submit your song as a 192 kbps or higher MP3 file.
Please be aware that if we receive your song in a different format, it may be converted to the format above to maintain fairness when judging.-The name of your song
-Arranger name
-Vocalist name
Please write “none” in the event that your song is an instrumental.
-Circle name
Please write “none” in the event that you’re submitting as an individual.
-Other credits
Please list credits other than arranger/vocalist here, such as lyricists, performers, and music video creators.
-Arranged song titles
Please be careful to submit song titles correctly and concisely. If your submission arranges multiple songs, please include a comma between their titles.
Example: Septette for a Dead Princess, The Young Descendant of Tepes
-Release date
Please include the date your song was released (event date, online release date, etc.).
If your song is still unreleased, please write its expected release date. This information will not be shown during the 24/7 livestream.
-Release URLs
In the event that your song has already been released on a CD, on YouTube, or so on, please submit the URLs for your CD’s site, the song’s YouTube URL, the URL to a shop where you can purchase the song, and so on.
-Music video URL (if applicable)
If your song has a music video, please include a URL to where it’s uploaded.
If your song and music video are still unreleased, please upload your music video using YouTube’s “Unlisted” feature and include its URL.
Your music video will not be shown during the 24/7 livestream.
Entry form available here!
“This Touhou Arrange is Amazing! 2023” Entry Form
We’ve love for you to submit a song you poured your heart and soul into creating. The submission deadline is November 16th. We look forward to your submission!